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Showing posts from October, 2011


Who is the narrator writing to? Why has he arranged for her safe-keeping? The carts we see at the beginning of the scene are full of... Why are the ill kept tied to the bed? The sick and the healthy people are locked together. True or False? our greatest enemy and ................. our best weapon against the...................... How does the doctor cover his face? Search the web and find out who the king was at the time of the plague. Has the lady got the plague? What's her real illness? Which relevant information is given to the king at the end of the scene? Which film is it? The main actor is Robert Downey Junior and it was released in 1995, so find out. One more clue: it won 2 Oscars.


ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN YOUR NOTEBOOKS: Why are the street names so curious? Give an example. How many churches were destroyed in the Great Fire? How tall is the commemorative monument? What happened to the baker? How many steps lead to the top of the building? Why did they encase it in cage?